アコヤガイゲノム情報の利用」のご案内 4th Pearl Industry Fair Japan - Special Seminar:
Using Akoya pearl oyster genome information for sustainable pearl production

こうした課題解決に向けゲノムの視点から研究を続けている竹内猛博士をお迎えし、その研究の意義や目的、そしてその研究の最前線についてご紹介いただきます。 The Akoya pearl oyster produces beautiful pearls. But did you know that the Akoya pearl oyster is currently endangered?
There are many reasons for this, including climate change, changes in the marine environment, virus outbreaks, and diseases. The problem is becoming more serious every year, including mass mortality of mother and juvenile shellfish and lack of shellfish growth. The causes are not clear, but without shellfish, pearls cannot be produced.
Dr. Takeshi Takeuchi will introduce the forefront as well as the significance and purpose of his research from a genomic perspective to solve these issues.

セミナー Seminar
持続的な真珠生産に向けたアコヤガイゲノム情報の利用 Using Akoya pearl oyster genome information for sustainable pearl production
講演者 Speaker
竹内猛 氏 一般社団法人日本真珠振興会 主席研究員 Dr. Takeshi Takeuchi, Chief Researcher, Japan Pearl Promotion Society
日時 Date/Time
2024年6月11日(火) 15時〜16時 Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 15:00-16:00
場所 Venue
神戸国際会展示場 2号館 セミナー会場 Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Hall No.2, Seminar venue
概要 Outline
本講演では、「遺伝的多様性」「ゲノム」といった生物学の概念について解説しつつ、ゲノム研究によって明らかになったアコヤガイに関する最新の知見を紹介する。そして、ゲノム情報を活用した持続的な真珠生産に向けて現在進行中のプロジェクトについて報告する。 The various changes in the marine environment that pearl cultivation sites have been facing in recent years have become an obstacle to stable pearl production. The key to sustaining pearl cultivation in a constantly changing environment, such as rising sea temperatures, spread of infectious diseases, and frequent red tides, is the “genetic diversity” of the Akoya pearl oyster.
Akoya oyster populations with high genetic diversity have the potential to survive and withstand environmental changes. Conversely, reduced genetic diversity reduces the shellfish's innate resistance to disease and environmental stress, and can lead to mass die-offs. Until now, the only way to avoid this invisible phenomenon of reduced genetic diversity has been to rely on experience and intuition in the aquaculture field. The “pearl oyster genome” is a game changer that will change this perilous situation. By analyzing the pearl oyster genome, genetic diversity can be objectively and quantitatively evaluated and managed.
In this seminar, the concepts of “genetic diversity” and “genome” in biology will be explained, and the latest findings on the pearl oyster revealed by genome research will be presented. The ongoing project for sustainable pearl production using genomic information will also be reported.
  • 定員100名 Number of attendants: 100 people
  • 参加無料オンライン配信あり Attendance fee: Free(online attendance available)
  • 日本語必要に応じて通訳あり Language: Japanese (interpretation available depending on needs)

プログラム Program

開会の挨拶Opening Address 田坂行男 氏 一般社団法人日本真珠振興会 専務理事 Mr. Yukio Tasaka, Executive Director, Japan Pearl Promotion Society
セミナー「持続的な真珠生産に向けたアコヤガイゲノム情報の利用」Seminar: Using Akoya pearl oyster genome information for sustainable pearl production 竹内猛氏 一般社団法人日本真珠振興会 主席研究員 Dr. Takeshi Takeuchi, Chief Researcher, Japan Pearl Promotion Society
閉会の挨拶Closing Address


日本真珠輸出組合 事務局 Pear Industry Fair Event administrative office
Japan Pearl Exporters’ Association Secretariat