K.Otsuki Pearl Co.,Ltd.
Established in 1930, OTSUKI PEARL is a cultivator with two domestic and two overseas affiliated cultivation companies as well as a trader in pearl distribution and manufacturer with strong combination of each part after thorough selection process. The integrated system from production, processing through distribution is the real strength of OTSUKI PEARL and the base of its high status in the competitive world of the pearl business.OTSUKI PEARL is well known not only in Japan but has a worldwide fame as the best and the largest pearl manufacturer. This is because our Company continues to keep the highest place in export in the industry since 1975. The Company's ability to meet and satisfy every need of our customers is made possible by our rich stock, highly skilled selection, and high processing technique. We never fail to satisfy the customers'expectations, and our sincerity makes our position as an exporter incomparable.
K.Otsuki Pearl Co.,Ltd.
创立于1930年的大月真珠,除了是在海内外拥有四家从事养殖的子公司的专业珍珠生产者之外,也是具有严格珍珠选别标准及高度的加工技术的珍珠制造业者,同时也是从事珍珠贸易的国际贸易公司。可以根据客户的不同要求,提供生产,加工,贩卖的一贯性服务是我们公司最强的实力,也是本公司在海内外一直以来倍受信赖和高竞争力的重要来源。 大月真珠以身为一个最好而且最大的珍珠制造业者在国际上享有高度的知名度,并且从1975年至今每年的珍珠出口额都维持日本第一。大月真珠之所以有能力去满足不同客户的各种商品需求是因为我们拥有最丰富的库存量、严格的珍珠选别标准及高度的加工处理能力。我们提供的商品从未让我们的顾客失望,同时我们诚摰的服务也为我们赢得了珍珠业界最强出口业者的美誉。
真珠の種類 / Types of pearls
アコヤ真珠/Akoya Pearl/AKOYA珍珠, シロチョウ真珠/South Sea Pearl/白蝶珍珠, クロチョウ真珠/Tahitian Pearl/大溪地珍珠
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Organizationʼ s Information
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AddressAdd |
兵庫県神戸市中央区港島中町6-4-1 |
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Trade category
卸売業/Wholesale Trade/批发商, 加工業/Processing Industry/加工业